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barney Miller
Barney Miller show had it right, 45 years ago!
 If anyone thinks what we are going through today is something new, think again. The World Economic Forum, The World Heath Organization,...
Beyond the reset
A short Video raising awareness of the Control System we are at Risk of Falling Deeper into.
Nothing makes it clearer than pictures that are worth a thousand words. The digital control grid is real, our ability to understand...
WHO passport
A Death Sentence for Millions: WHO, EU Launch New Global Vaccine Passport Initiative
One of the EU’s stated priorities as part of its 2019-2024 five-year plan is to create a “Digital Identity for all Europeans.”...
Legal Identity for All = Digital I.D. (SDG 16 exposed)
Behind the buzz words lies the truth, have you ever wondered about being tracked, being controlled in this digital world. Whitney Webb...
Bank of Canada Survey: What does it mean to you, should you complete the Survey before June 19th?
  Bank of Canada wants you to sleep walk into this!!   “We don’t see a need for a digital Canadian dollar right...
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