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babies dig id
Ghana Digital Id newborns
Newborns get Digital I.D.’s for Life.. Digital ID numbers are being assigned to toddlers for life as work...
CBDC's Russian
Russian CBDC
Russian Launches CBDC…  What kind of soul-crushing digital token is your government  currently shilling?...
Iris ID..
Iris ID… do you Trust it? What does it mean to you. Very interesting,  is this the way it happens? ...
who runs canada
Who runs Canada?
Who Runs Canada… Do not be fooled ever again, know the Truth. In this Multi-segment Tweet Greg...
Tucker Desantis
Tucker Desantis CBDC's
Tucker Asks DeSantis If He’s Concerned About Central Bank Digital Currencies DeSantis: “They want...
Screenshot (481)
Exposing Trudeau
Digital Control only Enables his Regime. (Video, Not for kids, swearing involved) We give in to Digital I.D.’,...
Scrapping your Data People just hand over their Privacy and Personal thoughts without a second thought...
Mass Censorship.. wonder how it works? Read on..
Elon Musk just poked the Bear. AI is the tool used to scrap the internet for data and in turn provide food to the Censorship beast....
WEF and Digital ID
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has admitted in a new report that digital IDs are exclusionary by nature and can facilitate “the identification,...
LL did
The Liberals partnership with the WEF - Further Exploring the Agile Nations Charter Dr. Leslyn Lewis provides some details on Broken Trust and Digital Dangers.   Trudeau still...
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